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Sports Injury

Midlands Shockwave Clinic

Midland Shockwave are part of the EDClinics UK

ED Clinics | Effective Treatment for Erectile Problems   

Chiropody treatment for sports injuries

At Solihull and Birmingham Chiropody, we treat foot-related sports injuries for both professional and casual players.
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Foot injury diagnosis and treatment in Solihull

If you have sustained a foot injury while playing your favourite sport, you can depend on our chiropodists to treat the injury and help you recover. The team of qualified podiatrists at Solihull and Birmingham Chiropody has in-depth knowledge of injury diagnosis and treatment. Based on your injury, our experts will devise a treatment plan that works best for you. We focus on improving your foot’s strength and flexibility, to achieve a holistic recovery.
knee pain
foot massage
sports shoes

Specialist foot care for athletes

Actions like jumping and running can result in the misalignment of joints. We study the mechanics of your lower limbs and the force exerted by muscles on your skeletal structure, to understand the root cause of your injury. Over the years, we have worked with athletes to develop techniques to help reduce pain and promote excellent foot health. You could also benefit from a biomechanical examination if you suffer from foot, knee or leg pain. Schedule an appointment with our experts to begin treatment for your sports injury. Our clinics are ideally located for clients in the Solihull area.
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Sports injuries we can treat:

  • Pain and soreness in the feet
  • Leg, heel and knee pain
  • Inflammation of ankle muscles
  • Biomechanical imbalances
  • Athlete’s foot 
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Achilles tendinopathy

Solihull and Birmingham Chiropody offers treatment for sports injuries. Visit our surgery in Solihull for an assessment.

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Manor Walk Clinic:
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