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Midland Shockwave are part of EDClinics UK

ED Clinics | Effective Treatment for Erectile Problems   

Posture Alignment Therapy

Midlands Shockwave Clinic

Midland Shockwave are part of the EDClinics UK

ED Clinics | Effective Treatment for Erectile Problems   

Posture Alignment Therapy

Posture therapy is an individualised program to teach the muscles off the body, how to support the body correctly to improve posture, function, reduce pain and underlying Symptoms
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Postural Alignment Specialist
The Egoscue Method

What is Posture Therapy? 

Posture therapy is not just about sitting upright and pulling shoulders back, consciously trying to force their body into a position. This is not comfortable or sustainable 
This Therapy is targeted to improve the balance of your muscles from left to right, from front to back, because it’s the balance of these muscles that determines your body alignment. The person is given gentle posture correction exercises to do daily. That unconsciously can sustain better posture

posture therapy

Why do we get Pain and Poor Posture and Movement?

Modern day lifestyle at work and home, previous injuries and habits lead to inefficient/ poor movement, wear and tear and injuries 
Traditionally, exercises that are given by therapists and clinicians, are designed to address your symptoms and are frequently local to the pain and NOT the Underlying Cause. 


Pain Relief
Improved Day to day Function
Improved Sports Performance and Reduction in Injuries 
Easy to follow

  • By looking at the root cause of the problem, being your posture, rather than focusing on the symptoms you will be given the tools and education about your body to find a longer ongoing solution to your pain and movement.
  • Improved Wellbeing. When your joints and muscles are aligned you feel a reduction in symptoms and your body more relaxed.
  • Allowing you to improved performance and function better in day to day activities and sport.
woman with back problem
human back bone

The Effects of Poor Posture 

You might feel nothing, uneven, un- comfortable or be in pain. 
Miss alignment creates compensation within the body making you more prone to not optimal performance in day to day tasks, sports or can create injury. 
Miss alignment does not stop there it has effect on the whole body and can also effect breathing, digestion, headaches and many other systems in your day to day health.
The body functioning less efficiently leads to wear and tear, impingement and pain. 

What is Different about this approach?

Based on 50 years of effective Egoscue of effective therapy experience a trained Postural Alignment Specialist looks and treats the whole-body structure as a unit that works together
By assessing posture and movement we treat the underlying compensations, habits and patterns that are causing recurrent injury and chronic pain.
When one of the joints is moved out of alignment it has a chain reaction on all the other joints throughout the body system. If you change the length and tension of one muscle group all the other muscles in the body have to reorganise themselves relative to this change of position. 
Identifying, Learning and practising basic prescribed movements helps your body to break its habits and develop more effective patterns, giving on going improved movement, reduce the bodies adaptation, pain and brings the body back to its natural alignment and a better quality of life.
grandfather and grandson taking a walk

What is Different about this approach?

Based on 50 years of effective Egoscue of effective therapy experience a trained Postural Alignment Specialist looks and treats the whole-body structure as a unit that works together
By assessing posture and movement we treat the underlying compensations, habits and patterns that are causing recurrent injury and chronic pain.
When one of the joints is moved out of alignment it has a chain reaction on all the other joints throughout the body system. If you change the length and tension of one muscle group all the other muscles in the body have to reorganise themselves relative to this change of position. 
Identifying, Learning and practising basic prescribed movements helps your body to break its habits and develop more effective patterns, giving on going improved movement, reduce the bodies adaptation, pain and brings the body back to its natural alignment and a better quality of life.


By assessing body function and taking static posture photos that we then evaluate and assess your function.
We go over some beneficial movement techniques together 
We also create a personal programme to re-educate the body of simple stretching and strengthening movements 
These will be sent directly by email and to an app you can download on your phone, ipad or computer and playback at any time with demonstrations, timer and explanations. 
Making following the program so much easier and so improved results

grandfather and grandson taking a walk
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