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0121 709 3486
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Midland Shockwave are part of EDClinics UK

ED Clinics | Effective Treatment for Erectile Problems   

Fungal Nail

Midlands Shockwave Clinic

Midland Shockwave are part of the EDClinics UK

ED Clinics | Effective Treatment for Erectile Problems   

Laser therapy for thickened discoloured fungal nails

Laser treatment and lacuna Treatment works on the most severe cases of fungal infection. Contact Solihull Chiropody for a Fungal Nail appointment today. 
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Simple and effective nail treatment

Are you suffering from a nail infection? It’s very important to get nail infections treated immediately as they can result in lasting damage. Our experts specialise in the treatment of fungal nails. We can use lasers to treat fungal nails.   
This method does not require oral medication and is completely non-invasive. We use a low-level laser, which does not burn or harm the skin.
nail treatment
nail treatment specialists

Fungal Nail 

How does cold laser work?

The Lunula Cold Laser is designed specifically to treat onychomycosis. It combines 2 therapeutic wavelengths:

  • 405 nm – this wavelength has a fungicidal effect. It generates hydrogen peroxide creating an antimicrobial response. 
  • 635 nm – this stimulates an immune response and increased circulation to initiate a healing response.

The combination of these two wavelengths will encourage nail regrowth.
"After 12 years of living with 3 Verrucae I had practically given up. Having seen 5 different people and tried 6 different approaches I discovered that they all had the same result. A slight improvement before Normal service is resumed!

Until I met Stuart. Now here is a man who knows his stuff. He tried two different methods with the second delivering the result. For the first time in years I can walk around in bare feet. What a joy.

Thank you Stuart."

 - Finnian

We treat fungal nails with laser therapy. Contact Solihull Chiropody today. 

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